Support Public Interest Projects
Support our efforts. Donate to my Public Interest Fund.
All funds received will be committed to public interest projects as
determined by Stephen C. Woodruff
in his sole discretion. Funds may be treated as office income
and taxable as such. There
is no tax benefit to you from contributions to the Woodruff Public Interest Fund.
If you donate at least $250, we will add you to an emailing list and
endeavor to keep you advised of our public interest projects and the
use and application of the Public
Interest Fund. Smaller contributors may also be added
to the emailing list at our discretion.
Thank you for your help!
Current efforts are concentrated in addressing the failings of
Federalization of immigration law in the CNMI. Previously,
our principal focus to this end was petitions in the Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit of decisions of the Board of
Immigration Appeals in cases arising in the Saipan Immigration
Court. Presently, there is a crisis in the CNMI-Only
Transitional Worker (CW) Program we are working to help
address. This problem is closely related to the problem of
an appropriate immigration status for long-term alien residents of
the CNMI (see below). It is also related to the generally
clumsy implementation of the transition to Federal immigration
control in the CNMI by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
We need your support to continue doing what we do and to expand
our efforts into new areas.
Additionally,we are now committed and striving to make a
difference on critical issues in the national arena.
Climate change threatens our entire planet and must be addressed
over the next two decades by massive reductions of greenhouse
gases. The corrupting influence of money in U.S. politics
makes possible the maintenance of a corporate oligarchy in which
government serves corporations and the very rich rather than the
people. Multinational trade agreements and in particular the
Trans-Pacific Partnership threaten national sovereignty and give
even greater power to corporations to the detriment of working
people around the world. Important freedoms of ordinary
people are threatened. The United States has become an
incarceration state. With five percent (5%) of the world's
population, we have in our jails a quarter (25%) of all the
prisoners in the world. "Too big to fail" Wall Street banks
and financial institutions threaten global financial security with
economic calamity. Our national infrastructure is
crumbling. A massive redistribution of wealth from the
middle and poorer classes to the wealthiest one percent has all
but destroyed the backbone of our nation, the middle class.
All of this occurs even while the nation still faces the challenge
of repairing the damage to our treasury and our national security
caused by foolish military and foreign policy decisions in the
first decade of the new millennium (and some since then). We
are dedicated to making a difference on these issues.
Thank you! Si Yu'us Ma'ase! Ghilisou!
Specific Projects Previously Supported:
Movement, Inc. (Support for improved civil, political, and
immigration status for long-term alien residents of the CNMI)
Say 'No' to PL 15-108 (link to the blog).
This was an unjust law that treated foreign workers in the CNMI
unfairly, adversely affected businesses, and further undermined
the economy. This problem exists to this day, although the
context and framework has changed.
© 2005-2016 Stephen C. Woodruff - All Rights Reserved (except to
material copyrighted by others or in the public domain, to which
compilation copyright only is claimed)
Last updated: June 3, 2016